New Sheet Set for Gloria Bedroom Playset

larger scan of box

I bought this set because it's the only recently produced doll bed that has the form of a real bed frame, and doesn't have molded-on bedding parts. It's an inexpensive toy, the mattress is folded pink cardboard, and the stock sheet and pillow are obviously the lowest quality. I made a quick set of real sheets.

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The floral fabric is from Walmart, the blue fabric is from Dollar Tree. I used quilting cottom, but something much thinner would have been better.

Bottom Sheet

The bed frame has these reinforcements that I needed to cut a hole around.

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I traced around the cardboard. I finished the edge with my serger, and left 2-3mm between the tracing and the bulk of the stitch. This way it has room to fold.

Here are those notches.

I ironed a stabilizer to the back side.

I cut the notches out.

Top Sheet

The final dimension is 13 & 3/4 inches by 9 inches. I just did a rolled hem finish.


I reused the stuffing and made a pillow and pillow case. Nobody has a decorative pillow as their only pillow.

I made some mini tags out of a real tag.

The finial dimension is 4 inches by 2 3/4 inches.

I left an inch open to flip it and fill it.

I stuffed it and sewed it up with an invisible stitch.

The final dimensions of the case are 4 & 3/8 inches by 3 inches. Maybe it should have been a little longer.

Graphics from Decorative Frames and Borders by Edmund V. Gillon Jr. ISBN 0486229289.