Dress for Hamilton Design Systeme Body Page 1

This is for any doll with the Hamilton Design Systeme body, Candi, Charice, and Janay from around 2000-2004. It won't fit any Barbie, the bust is much larger.

Getting Started
I designed the pattern for a nice quality quilting cloth. You can get 2-3 dresses from one fat quarter cut. Aside from fabric and matching thread, you will need an iron, a wash-away ink pen, doll scale zipper, and a little iron-on hem tape for the sash. If the zipper isn't the correct length, you'll need glue or a source of heat to fuse the new edge.

Here's the fabric I used, it came from Walmart. I don't actually recommend this print, because when I ironed the damp fabric to shrink it, random parts of the black print melted into a green liquid that stained the surrounding area.

Tape the skirt pattern pieces into one big piece. I had to split it up to fit it on one sheet of paper.

Decide how much of a seam allowance you want, you can always trim it down later. I aligned the grain of the fabric parallel with the top of the bodice, and that center line on the skirt.

Trace the pattern with a vanishing ink pen.

Sew the bust darts first.

Trim away the extra fabric inside the bust dart, then iron both pieces downward. Iron quickly so the pen ink doesn't get scorched.

Sew up the side seams, cut away any extra, then iron both parts of the seam allowance to the back. I pull them both in the same direction, because the dress is tight and the seam might show a gap otherwise.

Fold over the top, iron it, then topstitch it.

Sew up just the bottom inch of the rear seam for now.

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